" An Authorized Representative Offering up to 100% Scholarships from more than 200 Top International Universities in over more than Six Countries throughout the World "

Gopi Man Shrestha

Executive Director

Message of Executive Director

Welcome to Shashee Educational Consultancy, your trusted partner in shaping your academic journey towards success! Located in the Hattisar, Kathmandu, Nepal. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive educational consultancy services to students aspiring to pursue higher education internationally.

At Shashee Educational Consultancy, we understand that choosing the right educational path can be a daunting task. That’s why our team of experienced counselors is here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you’re exploring options for undergraduate, graduate, or professional studies, we offer personalized guidance tailored to your individual goals and aspirations.

With a deep understanding of the global educational landscape and strong partnerships with leading institutions of Australia, Canada, USA and UK, we ensure that you have access to a wide range of opportunities. From selecting the ideal academic program to assisting with admissions, visa procedures, and beyond, we are committed to making your educational dreams a reality.

As you embark on this exciting journey, let Shashee Educational Consultancy be your compass, guiding you towards a future filled with endless possibilities. Welcome aboard, and let’s begin this transformative voyage together!


I cannot express enough gratitude to the Educational Consultancy of Nepal for helping me secure my student visa for Canada. Their personalized approach and attention to detail ensured that I had all the necessary documents and information for a successful application. Their team's professionalism and knowledge of the process were invaluable, and I am now eagerly anticipating the opportunity to pursue my academic goals in Canada. Thank you for making my dreams of studying abroad a reality!
Bubby Thapa
Thanks to the guidance and support from the Shashee Educational Consultancy, I am thrilled to embark on my journey to study in Canada. Their expertise and dedication made the visa application process smooth and hassle-free. I'am grateful for their assistance every step of the way, from choosing the right program to preparing for interviews. With their help, I feel confident and excited about pursuing my education abroad.
Rahul Shrestha
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